Chemical hallucinations By William Bowles

30 August 2013

I think it’s true to say that the days of creating ‘ukdossier‘(pdf)[1] are now over, at least if the latest ‘dodgy report’ is anything to go by. Put out by the UK’s Joint Intelligence Committee, it purports to offer proof that Assad gassed his own people. But aside from the fact that it offers not a shred of proof, it’s also amateurish and clearly put together in a panic.

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US-Israeli false flag gas attack unravels By William Bowles

28 August 2013

Commit a war crime to cover up a war crime?

This is where it all started: The Israeli intelligence front the Debkafile, which is the source of the story that implicated the Assad government and/or its military in the gas attack on East Ghouta and now forms the basis for the war on Syria. Continue reading

From the horse’s mouth

20 November 2012

If anyone has any doubts about the racist nature of Israeli society then the following quotes by Gilad Sharon, son of Ariel Sharon should clear the mist from your eyes:

“There should be no electricity in Gaza, no gasoline or moving vehicles, nothing. Then they’d really call for a ceasefire,” he wrote. “We need to flatten entire neighbourhoods in Gaza. Flatten all of Gaza” — Jerusalem Post

The BBC and the Imperial mindset By William Bowles

2 September 2012

Yes, I know I keep banging on about the BBC but it is such an influential power, not only nationally but also globally, so much so that its pronouncements are most often taken as gospel (objective, impartial, unbiased). But any reading of the history of the BBC should disabuse you of this piece of fiction.

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Zionism loves colonialism, Zionism is colonialism By William Bowles

7 March 2012

Ynet Op-ed: Zionism will only cease being demonized when West stops to demonise colonialism

If I didn’t know any better I’d think the following Op-ed piece from the rightwing Israeli news source Ynet was another Yes Men spoof but it’s for real. I decided finally to publish the opinion in its entirety (if in a somewhat fragmented form) for it reveals the insane irrationality that underpins Zionism as the only ‘defender of the Jewish people’ (aside that is from its benefactor the US).

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The October Surprise File December 22, 1988

5 March 2012

Update: It still makes fascinating reading all these years on; the machinations of people with immense power, able to shape events to their pleasing, and that of their class.

Compiled and Edited by William Bowles, December 22, 1988. This file is a compilation of texts that have either been uploaded to or posted on this system [New York On-Line] or Peacenet, which have been edited to remove duplication, and/or inaccuracies and irrelevancies.

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It’s an (English) dog’s life By William Bowles

4 December 2011

”I had to leave my dog in Iran’ – UK ambassador, BBC News, 2 December 2011

If I remember correctly, my mother told me that it was the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War in 1936 that prompted her to join the British Communist Party. The parallels with Libya today are not lost on me. Spain was the place that Hitler used to perfect aerial bombardment with Guernica as our testament to that particular piece of barbarity, just as today the Empire uses entire countries as target practice and to try out new weapons systems on ‘them’.

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Is this a ‘Young Turks’ moment all over again? By William Bowles

11 February, 2011

Mubarak steps down, surely the result of direct US pressure. But what difference will it make, the country has been run by a military clique for three decades, all that’s changed is that now they do it openly. The real issue, is what next? Will the masses now press for Sulieman, all of them to step down now? It’s possible, it depends on what the army and the security-state forces do next, after the euphoria has died down.

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Caught between a ‘liberal’ and a hard man: How the BBC spends your licence money By William Bowles

2 June, 2010

“Israeli commandos had paintball guns” – Israeli Ambassador to Russia, Anna Azari

“This happened in waters outside of Israeli territory, but we have the right to defend ourselves.” — Israeli military spokeswoman, Avital Leibovich

In Yiddish it’s called Chutzpah, to have the nerve to say something outrageous, the perfect description—if what was said wasn’t so odious—by Israeli propagandists. I’m talking here about an Israeli spokeman on the other night, attempting to justify the murderous assault on the Gaza aid activists. Attack becomes “defence”, international waters become Israeli, or not as the case may be.

Actually Chutzpah doesn’t even begin to describe the venomous and hysterical rantings of the Israeli spokesman. Eventually it just got too much for me to watch.

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Welcome to BBC Israel By William Bowles

31 May, 2010

The BBC has outdone itself this time with an outrageous piece of blatant Israeli propaganda

It was a tossup: should I go to the demonstration outside 10 Downing Street today (31/5/10) or write this piece on the absolutely outrageous ‘coverage’ by the BBC of the massacre of at least nineteen people by the Israeli military in international waters? Continue reading